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Recorded: March 22, 2007
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style="float:right;margin:0 0 10px 10px;border:1px black solid;">
Jeb's off visiting his Mom, Jack's feeling a little feisty, and
Dave's... well, Dave's just being Dave. The virtues of really big
airplanes... an update on user fees... we hear from listeners on
making flight training affordable... cockpit automation gone
awry... and, a float plane to the rescue. All this and more, on
Uncontrolled Airspace, episode #21, "Flying Upside Down".
Jeb's visiting Mom
AirBus A380 tours USA
Update: FAA Reauthorization Proposal / User Fees
Congressman Oberstar (D-Minn 8th)
Congressman Costello (D-Ill 12th)
Listener Joe's Tips for the Frugal Student Pilot
Listener Sean from Hawaii's Audio Comment
The challenges of aircraft automation
FAA Forecast
Bombardier Safety Standown goes to Europe
Offshore UCAP listeners please check in
Opening music: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Closing music:
"International Dateline", John Otway
"The Mom Song", Insane Clown Posse
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Posted: 2007-03-23 | [UCAP021] | | index03.php