Uncontrolled Airspace
The General Aviation Podcast

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"A Very Floral Nose" UCAP069

Legacy Shownotes

[From Classic Shownotes (before ep 90)]

Uncontrolled Airspace #69 "A Very Floral Nose"

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Recorded: February 23, 2008

Dave Higdon,

Jeb Burnside,

Jack Hodgson

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Diamond Star DA40-180 instrument panel showing the G1000 glass cockpit installation. (src)

The boys review the latest on Flight Service's performance and the NextGen aviation system... they ruminate on the concept of Technically Advanced Aircraft... and the get a beer connoisseur's review of their beloved Leinies. All this and more on Uncontrolled Airspace, Episode #69 "A Very Floral Nose"

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Posted: 2008-03-02 | [UCAP069] | | index03.php